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Healthy kidneys enhance digestion and assimilation of nutrients and regulate fluid content in the body. The kidneys proportionately grow more than other organs, doubling in size from birth to six months. The bladder is shaped like a cigar in a new born and becomes pyramid shaped like an adults at around six months. Like the bowel the bladder is designed to empty when reaching its capacity. The bladder of a baby can stretch to hold approximately 15ml of urine, but by the age of two, when the nervous system is more developed, the baby will be able to exercise control and the bladder will also have increased in size.

The kidney has millions of nephrons, which are tiny filtration units. These gradually increase their capacity for filtration as the baby grows.

Babies lose relatively more water than children and adults in a variety of ways due to their developing physiology:

  • Rapid breathing
  •  A large surface area of skin
  • Longer intestines in relation to their body size. It is important to make sure that babies always have plenty of fluids particularly in the first half year.



How does this relate to us…

Massage and the moves used in yoga encourages the bladder to empty and keep kidneys healthy.